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Custom designed products made with love

John Webster

Designer – Musician

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New cannabis designs

April 13, 2023|News, Promotions, Psychedelic, Stories|

Hey WOODYS BAY members... I'm at it again! Back in the designers seat whipping up some new custom designs inspired by the legalization of recreational cannabis in Montana. Here's a preview of a new hoodie coming to WOODYSBAY.COM shop. This premium Eco hoodie is made of organic and [...]

RIP 2020

November 26, 2020|Art, Home, Stories|

John Lennon was shot 40 years ago. He was 40 when he died. He would be 80 today if he had lived. John shook the World and asked us to Give Peace a Chance and Imagine the World living as One. I loved the Beatles and wanted to [...]

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