John Lennon was shot 40 years ago. He was 40 when he died. He would be 80 today if he had lived. John shook the World and asked us to Give Peace a Chance and Imagine the World living as One.
I loved the Beatles and wanted to be one of them. They set me on a lifelong journey of musical exploration. As I turn 70, I am paying tribute to John’s dream and creating my Dream World Peace designs. Here’s a preview of my first RIP2020 Red Rose design.
I’m sending off the year 2020 into space, and welcoming the new year of 2021 with hope for a brighter future!
A day trip to a local cemetery was the original seed of inspiration. I find the old stone headstones and their textures intriguing.
The Muse struck and inspired me to bury the year 2020 with hope for the Dream of World Peace to continue to grow in 2021 and beyond.
In this design, 2020 rests in peace fading into outer space, with wilting roses resting on its base. The glowing Earth rising up and the fresh Red Rose represent new Hope for World Peace.
About the creators
My name is John Raymond Webster. I am Woodys Bay primary developer and designer. Francesca Droll is my wife and business partner. Together we have run Abacus Graphics award winning design studio and advertising agency for over 4 decades.
Now we are pursuing our own creative passions. I created to market my custom designed products, and Francesca created to market her fine art pastel paintings.